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Embracing ESK Community Spirit

It has been a charitable month at ESK. Students have given their time in and out of school to help the local community, here in Cyprus. From raising money to donating food items and toys, our school community's humanitarian and selfless efforts is something we take pride in. Not only does giving back to the community help you feel good, but there are many benefits to uplifting those around you.

Wear it Pink!

For October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our secondary teachers stood in solidarity, while students took part in fundraising activities. #strongertogether

Helping Hands, our school charity club organised 2 days of fundraising activities. Students came into school wearing pink accessories, and our Helping Hands student team sold pink ribbons, raffle tickets, pink cupcakes and pink lemonade. It was all things pink for the last few days of term!

We are pleased to announce that we raising a total of 15, 105 TL. To receive the donation from our Pink October fundraising initiative, we invited a representative from the local charity Tulips/Help Those With Cancer Association. Students gathered around the amphitheatre to welcome Sue Tilt, and learnt more about the association and all that they do to support cancer patients in our local community.

Sue's talk was truly touching, but it was saddening to hear that the charity welcomes two new cancer patients a day - a very high number for our small island. In all, we are thankful for our community and the donations we raised. This generosity will help so many families affected by cancer.

Change a Life with Kindness

Primary perform sign language to Toy Story's "You've got a friend in me"

World Kindness Day activities took a front seat last Friday. Students and staff came together to perform a heart-warming video and participated in a variety of activities, including painting Kindness pebbles and writing Kind messages on paper chains, which they displayed in the hallways. Many Kindness activities will continue throughout the term - everyday is a day to choose to be kind! For example, in Year 3,the 100 acts of kindness wall will display all the students' coloured in hearts - one heart for every time a child in class does an act of kindness.

To help the local community, students brought in used toys and books, which our staff kindly donated to the local orphanage. All the donations will certainly change a child's life in the local orphanage and your kindness will bring so much happiness! Below are just some of the donations our ESK community kindly gifted.

The Wishing Tree

Students from the Helping Hands Charity club welcomed the Inner Wheel Charity Association, who presented us with a wishing tree to be displayed at school. The tree contains new year wishes written by local children in need, and we invited our ESK family to fulfil this wishes. Students were invited to pick an envelope from the tree and deliver their wish, in the form of a gift. All the presents will be collected on the 18th December.

The Inner Wheel club aims to fulfil the wishes of 800 children, and at ESK, we are proud to be one location where these envelopes can be collected.

With the new year approaching, as a school we have an opportunity to make children’s dreams come true.

We are so proud to see our ESK community come together to help the wider community in North Cyprus. Great community spirit ESK! #ESKfamily


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